Funny, but… it’s actually an indication of how little this parent understands about an environment that her kids are quite comfortable with and spend a great deal of time in – that is, computers and online.
OpenSTEM is working on materials and workshops to assist parents (generally through schools) with getting to grips with this. We’re starting with events in the Brisbane area in the new year.
ArduBlock is a visual drag&drop programming plugin for the Arduino IDE (integrated development environment – the usual tool we use for programming Arduino boards/chips).
It acts as a tool plugin in the regular IDE – you install it by putting the ardublock.jar (Java) file in a specific subdirectory (depends on your operating system and configuration), and then it just shows up in the Tools menu of the IDE.
Then, programming works similar to MIT’s Scratch, and students may already be familiar with that:
Depending on the students’ age, this can be very useful. It can be an extra way for primary school age children to get started with Arduino electronics.
For high school, I reckon it’s very important to provide opportunity to dig into every bit of systems, so that there are no “black boxes” involved. Still, it’s fine to (for instance) start with a visual environment and then see what that looks like in plain code!
We’ll explore this more on OpenSTEM – the trend with many educational materials appears to have been to simplify, and I’m doubtful as to the need and benefits of that. Kids (can) understand an awful lot more than they’re often given credit for. When kids are taught below their level, it makes for boredom. What a pity!
With kids being very quick at picking up new technology in particular, it is more likely a reflection of the adults (including educators) feeling overwhelmed and thus trying to reduce, rather than actually aiming towards the students’ educational edge.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is exciting and interesting to think about – many Science Fiction writers have explored the subject, and lots of movies exist.
Author Ian M. Banks came up with The Culture, a symbiotic society of artificial intelligences (Minds and drones), humanoids and other alien species who all share equal status. Overall that works out well. If you’re looking for something new to read, check out those books! There are a lot of fantastic ideas in there.
But there are also many other stories about how AI can look good initially and then go terribly wrong. Worth a thought as well… to phrase it in my own words (and I see this in my work): people in tech can sometimes go a tad arrogant about the abilities of technology, and the risks (from little bugs to huge disasters).
Tesla Motors / SpaceX chief Elon Musk has warned about artificial intelligence before, tweeting that it could be more dangerous than nuclear weapons. Speaking Friday at the MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics department’s Centennial Symposium, Musk called it our biggest existential threat:
I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with the artificial intelligence. Increasingly scientists think there should be some regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out.
When asked whether his words meant we shouldn’t expect to see Hal 9000 installed on a rocket to Mars, Musk warned that the most dangerous iterations of man-made AI would make the 2001 computer look like “a puppy dog.”
To explain to the youngsters… HAL 9000 is a computer in “2001, A Space Odyssee“, a famous movie by Stanley Kubrick. It was made in the late 1960s. You can find it in good video stores, and it’s definitely worth watching. It’s perhaps a bit slow-going compared to recent movies, but deal with it. Remember that when this was made, humanity hadn’t set foot on the moon yet, Unix and C hadn’t been invented yet, the Internet was a handful of university computers and no web, and there were no mobile phones or any computers in homes. Most households didn’t yet have colour television, many didn’t have television at all. Yet 2001 shows, for instance, tablet computers… pretty slick.
Science is often surprising. Basic stuff runs on fairly simple “rules”, but the simple rules don’t cover everything – so when you see stuff that doesn’t abide by the simple rules, you can’t just ignore or dismiss what you see. To me, this is awesome rather than scary. It makes science extra cool.
We generally regard substances as having three possible states: solid, liquid, gas. It’s a simple rule of thumb (rather than a rule) and works well for our everyday environment. At room temperature, many things are always solid to us, and many things are always gas. In the video below, helium shows us some extra quirks when it is made particularly cold.
So how about those simple rules or “rules of thumb”. Well, they are a simplified version of the full picture – and thus cover many cases, but not all. Newtonian physics work really well for the world around us, but not when looking at really big stuff (we need general and special relativity for that) or really small stuff (quantum physics).
In Australia, we are taught “look right” first when crossing the road. In The Netherlands, where I was born, I was taught “look left” first. This is pretty clear for an example: in the Netherlands cars drive on the right hand side of the road, while in Australia they drive on the left. But we don’t learn “look towards the side where the cars normally come from” as that’s way longer, and actually problematic: if you don’t remember, and there are no cars immediately visible, does that mean there can’t just be a car about to race around the corner towards you?
Of course, the full rule is (for Australia): “look right, left, right” and that actually covers various eventualities.
Nevertheless, I was once at a training course in London (UK) and had to save fellow students from Brazil from oncoming traffic several times (by giving them a shove backwards as they started to cross), as they were not used to cars coming from the right. Blind habits can be dangerous…..
Coverity has tools to check computer program code for many faults. These tools are offered commercially (and thus used by vendors of proprietary software) but they are also specifically made available for Open Source projects. Every once in a while a report is published on this effort, and that is most useful.
As it turns out, LibreOffice has vastly improved the code quality since it started its path about 4 years ago, now featuring one of the lowest fault rates of any large program/suite. OpenOffice, the codebase from which it started, had many features but also plenty of bugs. The LibreOffice project has clearly taken that lesson and done its homework. Naturally, being an open source project, it’s not just one small group of people at one organisation working on this, but many people globally.
As Simon writes:
While an open source license on code is no automatic guarantee of quality, by its nature it allows evaluation of quality and encourages collaborative efforts toward improvement.
LibreOffice is not Microsoft Office. It uses a different approach in many aspects of its user interface. But, by and large, provides very similar functionality. It’s probably safe to say that the user interface differences between LbreOffice and MSOffice are smaller than the differences between two MSOffice versions. Each takes some getting used to, but it’s often not a drama.
And LibreOffice can read and write MS Office documents. I prefer LibreOffice, because using it does not require either me or anyone else to buy licenses for a particular version of a particular product – because we do know that nasty things often happen when opening a document, spreadsheet or presentation on a different version.
For education, it is very important to have open formats and free tools available – it enables everybody to access the technology. Not just at schools, but also in the home and beyond. Documents get shared, so it’s all tied together.
LibreOffice is available for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux – you can download it from although if you run Linux it’s probably already installed and you may just have been using it as your regular office suite already!
I was very impressed with the layout and design of the Mirobot. I purchased the kit which required soldering. The…
Ian Cunningham