Well, most of our schools are back, or about to start the new year. Did you know that there are schools using OpenSTEM materials in every state and territory of Australia? Our wide range of resources, especially those on Australian history, give detailed information about the history of all our states and territories. We pride ourselves on having a resource on every topic in the Australian HASS and Science curriculum for primary school, so if you find something that you think is missing, please let us know and if it’s not there already, it soon will be!
This year we are preparing a new suite of Understanding Our World® HASS + Science Units for anyone who wants a bit of variety. If you are interested, do let us know and we might even be able to give you a sneak preview. Remember, all our Understanding Our World units run for 9 weeks per term, giving a bit of leeway for those crazy early weeks of the year!
There will also be some new resources coming out, and some substantial updates to some more familiar resources. Much of our material has been updated for the new year already, so make sure that you update your copies, especially with the 2018 licensed material.
Last year, after requests from some of the teachers we work with, OpenSTEM® started developing resources to assist with the Maths curriculum. Our Diced Maths® resources have been so popular that some students have even asked if they could swap from computer-based Maths programs to the Diced Maths resources! Students report that these resources make them feel more in control of their own learning and love “playing” with the funky dice. Many don’t see the activities as “doing Maths” at all. These activities develop students’ problem solving skills, whilst practising all their basic Maths concepts and operations at the same time.
Stay tuned for some exciting specials coming up in the next few weeks, as well as some more in depth exploration into a range of topics.
Responding to popular request, we have now made our FREE sample resource PDFs available directly from a page: Curriculum Samples in our new Curriculum overview section.
This means that you don’t have to login or fill in any details to download these files.
We make these free watermarked samples available at no charge so that you are able to see and assess the quality of our materials.
OpenSTEM’s History and Geography for Primary program provides an integrated curriculum implementation, which aims to provide holistic learning for students in both Key Learning Areas. By integrating History and Geography, not only is the level of engagement higher, as students are able to gain a more rounded understanding of processes in places through time, but the time needed for teaching is optimised.
With complete lesson plans!
Australian Curriculum
The program is tailored exactly to the requirements of the Australian Curriculum so that all curriculum strands in both curricula are addressed efficiently. The focus is on providing a broad overview of global events and then focussing in on specific issues. A particular focal point, as determined by the Australian Curriculum, is Australian History, with Aboriginal History, sustainability and the environment as important foci as well.
Our Approach
Student engagement is the primary aim of this curriculum implementation and a range of activities ensure that learning takes place in a very hands-on and multimodal way.
Scientific research has identified that children are more engaged, with better retention of information, when a range of input stimuli are provided. In particular, visual and kinaesthetic methods of input have the broadest range of uptake of information in pre-puberty age groups. OpenSTEM’s blend of activities and resources addresses these methods directly.
The material is designed so as to provide for flexibility in use. Teachers can choose to utilise the individual resources within their own teaching framework, or they can choose to use the detailed weekly lesson plans as laid out in the Teacher Handbook. A Student Workbook is also provided, with a continual assessment option, to complete the package.
OpenSTEM uses particular techniques (such as coloured words within the text) which address a range of learning styles and have been shown to increase focus for students with concentration challenges.
The term 1 teacher units and supporting resources are now available, and already in use by some schools. Additional units and resources are made available progressively during this first year of this program, and updated thereafter.
You may purchase individual teacher units and resource PDFs, or subscribe (from an individual teacher or family to an entire school) and get the teacher units at half price and the resource PDFs for free!
You can also download some sample PDFs (at no cost, no login/details required) so that you are able to see and assess the quality of our materials.
If you need more information and for any questions you may have, please contact us.
Cross-curricular options
OpenSTEM’s History and Geography program provides a range of cross-curricular options. In particular Science extensions are provided to address the Science curriculum. Some aspects of the Mathematics curriculum also follow naturally from this material.
These cross-curricular components help students apply newly learnt concepts and skills in a broader context.
OpenSTEM materials are designed to be adapted for use in multi-year level classrooms. Suggested implementations for multi-year level classes are provided in the Teacher Handbook for each unit.
In some cases the same resources and topics are used by different year levels and it is the depth of understanding and analysis required which is all that changes between the year levels. The Student Workbook for each unit reflects the differing requirements for different year levels. Using this structure, the teacher is not trying to teach different material simultaneously in order to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Homeschooling parents also have great flexibility in their use of this material. The program is designed to be easily adaptable for the homeschooling situation. Parents can choose to use the resources within their own program, or allow the student to explore the material as their interest leads them. Alternatively, the parent can use the Teacher Handbook and Student Workbook to provide a series of lessons, knowing they will thus match all the curriculum requirements.
Non-linear learners can approach the student workbook in a non-linear fashion, referring to the matching resources as required in order to engage with the material. Using this material, the parent can tailor the learning to match the speed, abilities and particular challenges of each student.
The potential for extension and acceleration will suit students with those particular needs, whilst the shift between broad and narrow focus in the resources will provide consolidation for those students who need more time to work through learning material.
The more I see our teachers and students work with the program, the more convinced I am that we have…
Cheryl Rowe, Principal