Free Robotics Incursion in Brisbane Area

caterpillar-headIf your school or homeschool group is based in our around the Brisbane area, we can visit with our robotic caterpillar and other critters as part of our FREE Robotics Incursion.

The caterpillar has quickly become our main mascot, as students, teachers and parents take a liking to it! It is an autonomous robot, with a 3D printed frame and Arduino controlled electronics.

The OpenSTEM caterpillar design and code are fully open and also serve as a good example of how subjects such as robotics can be explored at relatively low cost – that is, without expensive branded kits. This can be a real enabler for both school and home.

For more details on what we cover and do on this incursion, see the Robotics Incursion page, or contact us to discuss!

Curriculum Samples

download-logo-300pxResponding to popular request, we have now made our FREE sample resource PDFs available directly from a page: Curriculum Samples in our new Curriculum overview section.

This means that you don’t have to login or fill in any details to download these files.

We make these free watermarked samples available at no charge so that you are able to see and assess the quality of our materials.