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Free for Subscribers
Resource: Bantu Expansion through Africa
$2.00This resource covers the expansion of Bantu-speaking people through Africa. Starting about 3,000 years ago Bantu-speaking farmers with cattle and crops such as sorghum expanded across the savannah regions of Africa. They interacted with people already living in these areas as they “explored” the continent.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Egyptian Exploration of Punt
$3.00Thousands of years ago the Ancient Egyptians established trade networks by exploring out from the Nile River valley, along the African coast.
Intrepid explorers in their own right, these ancient people brought back exotic and rare items and laid the foundations of trade routes that were to become increasingly important through History.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Great Zimbabwe
$2.00A resource about the African Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe, which took part in international trade during the Middle Ages. Great Zimbabwe had trade links as far as China.
The development of this historical kingdom shows how dynamic the African continent was throughout History, as well as indicating some of the trade networks existing before the Europeans started trading directly with Asia in the late 15th century.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Regions of Africa
$5.00A Geography resource covering the major biomes of the African continent. This resource (with maps) discusses the Atlas Mountains, the Sahara Desert, the Sahel, the African Savannah and the Equatorial Forest, as well as the Nile River.
Students are able to see the location of each biome with respect to the countries of Africa, as well as learn about the biome, its climate, fauna and flora. This resource provides background for other resources dealing with the History and Geography of Africa.
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The material is much more interesting. When I discussed a topic later in the term, I found that the students…
Laura Davidson, Teacher