Showing 17–21 of 21 results
Free for Subscribers
Resource: South Sea Islanders in Australia
$9.00This resource explores the Islander people who arrived in Australia, especially Queensland, during the colonial period, and who were mostly sent back in the early 20th century.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Establishment of the High Court of Australia
$4.00Part of our Federation series, this resource provides a brief overview of the background and early years of the High Court of Australia, as well as subsequent developments which led to the High Court being the final court of appeal in Australia, rather than the Privy Council in Britain. The roles of significant people, including Samuel Griffith and Edmund Barton, are mentioned. The establishment of the High Court was controversial and it took 10 years before it reached its current size of 7 justices. A short overview of the role of the High Court is also provided.
This resource aligns with the Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and HASS curricula for Year 6.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The History of Australian National Sport
$15.00This resource examines the growth of an Australian National Identity through sport, and relates that identity to the events surrounding Federation.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Women’s Suffrage in Australia
$7.00The right to vote is regarded as a fundamental human right. When denied, it causes people to feel dis-empowered and unable to determine their own destiny or exert control over their lives, yet it is often taken for granted in modern societies.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Women’s Suffrage in Britain
$5.00Complementing the resource Women’s Suffrage in Australia, this resource examines the historical background to women’s suffrage in Britain, compared to Australia.
Showing 17–21 of 21 results
My grade 4 son played this with me a few times, his feedback was it was too easy but fun,…