PDF Resources
Showing 225–240 of 313 results
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Nellie Bly
$2.00The 19th century interest in the wider world fostered a group of women writers who pioneered travel writing and journalism. Intrepid explorers in their own right, these women brought exotic destinations around the world into people’s homes with their writing.
Nellie Bly (born Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman) was much more than a travel writer, however, despite her books on her journey around the world to replicate Jules Verne’s classic story (for real, and in less time!). She was also a journalist who let nothing get in her way and who investigated social causes with tenacity, using her sharp intelligence to highlight the plight of those less fortunate. Her exposé on the conditions in mental asylums brought about real change.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Neolithic
$3.00Neolithic, a chapter in our Archaeology Textbook (for Senior Secondary, Ancient History)
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Newgrange
$1.00Resource on Newgrange, an ancient solar calendar in Ireland.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Ney Elias
$2.00Ney Elias was an English surveyor who explored, and mapped in detail, parts of China and the Himalaya Mountains.
This resource explores his life and achievements and is aligned with Year 6 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Nicolau Coelho
$2.00Nicolau Coelho was a Portuguese explorer who accompanied Vasco De Gama, Pedro Álvares Cabral and Afonso de Albuquerque on their voyages of exploration. This resource examines his life and role in these expeditions.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Northern Australia and Indonesia – Macassan Traders in Australia
$5.00This resource examines the evidence for contacts between Indonesia and Australia through time, with a particular focus on the Macassan trade.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Origins of Agriculture
$2.00Resource on the Origins of Agriculture.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Origins of Domestic Animals
$3.00Resource on the Origins of Domestic Animals.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Origins of Domestic Plants
$3.00Resource on the Origins of Domestic Plants.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Palaeolithic
$5.00Palaeolithic, a chapter in our Archaeology Textbook (for Senior Secondary, Ancient History)
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Pawel Strzelecki
$2.00Pawel Strzelecki explored the mountains of the Temperate regions of Australia in southern New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania in the 1840s. He named Mount Kosciuszko, the highest peak in Australia. Several areas have been named after him. This resource examines his explorations and the areas which he visited.
The resource aligns with Year 3 and 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Pedro Álvares Cabral
$3.00This resource examines the life and contributions of Pedro Álvares Cabral, a Portuguese explorer who became the first European to reach South America in the year 1500.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: People In The Past
$25.00Aimed at our youngest students, this set of resources complements the Children In The Past resource by presenting characters from Ancient Australia, Egypt, Rome, China, Mexico and Southern Africa for students to use in simple role-play activities.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: People Reach Australia
$2.00Resource on how and when people reached Australia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: People Reach the Americas
$2.00Resource on how and when people reached the Americas.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Pêro Vaz de Caminha
$2.00This resource examines Pêro Vaz de Caminha, a Portugese official who accompanied Pedro Cabral on his voyage to South America in the year 1500.
Showing 225–240 of 313 results
The activities embedded in the programs make the subjects more engaging for the students as well as the teacher.
Trent Perry, Teacher