year 5
Showing 81–96 of 126 results
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Massacres in Australian History
$8.00This resource explores the use of the word ‘massacre’ to describe conflict in 19th century Australia and examines a few incidents in some detail.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Matthew Flinders
$6.00This resource examines the life and achievements of Matthew Flinders and is designed to complement the Year 4 and 5 Australian History and Geography curricula.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Mayan Calendar
$4.00Resource on the Mayan Calendars.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Modern Australian Democracy
$3.00A brief overview of the way democracy supports our system of government in Australia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Modern Humans Leave Africa
$3.00An overview of the routes taken by early modern humans as they moved across the world.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: My Ancestry
$5.00Humans have spent many thousands of years travelling around the world. No matter where we live, we all have connections to many parts of the world. This resource guides students through the process of starting to examine their own ancestry and heritage.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Native Title in Australia
$6.00This resource explains the history of the native title debate, what native title means and what the current situation in Australia is like.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Northern Australia and Indonesia – Macassan Traders in Australia
$5.00This resource examines the evidence for contacts between Indonesia and Australia through time, with a particular focus on the Macassan trade.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Origins of Agriculture
$2.00Resource on the Origins of Agriculture.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Origins of Domestic Animals
$3.00Resource on the Origins of Domestic Animals.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Origins of Domestic Plants
$3.00Resource on the Origins of Domestic Plants.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Pawel Strzelecki
$2.00Pawel Strzelecki explored the mountains of the Temperate regions of Australia in southern New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania in the 1840s. He named Mount Kosciuszko, the highest peak in Australia. Several areas have been named after him. This resource examines his explorations and the areas which he visited.
The resource aligns with Year 3 and 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: People Reach Australia
$2.00Resource on how and when people reached Australia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: People Reach the Americas
$2.00Resource on how and when people reached the Americas.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Pierre François-Xavier de Charlevoix
$2.00Pierre de Charlevoix was a Jesuit priest and explorer in the early days of the French colony in Quebec. He travelled across North America, sailing down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico.
This resource explores his life and achievements and is aligned with Year 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Political Campaign
$4.00This resource introduces students to the political campaign. This resource complements the resource Running a Class Election.
Showing 81–96 of 126 results
I was very impressed with the layout and design of the Mirobot. I purchased the kit which required soldering. The…
Ian Cunningham