PDF Resources
Showing 273–288 of 313 results
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Stratigraphy
$4.00This chapter of the Archaeology Textbook (Ancient History) examines some of the basics of stratigraphy, as well as a glimpse into its complexities. It is aimed at Senior Secondary students.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Sunda and Sahul
$2.00Resource on the Ice Age landmasses of Australasia and South-east Asia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Technology and the Environment
$4.00This resource tracks the use of technology by humans to manage the environment in Australia from the use of fire and other land management skills by Aboriginal people over thousands of years, to the drones and advanced technology of today.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Technology of Early Agriculture
$2.00Resource on the Technology of Early Agriculture.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Tenzing Norgay
$2.00Tenzing Norgay accompanied Edmund Hillary to the summit of Mount Everest in 1953. Born in the shadow of the mountain, and spending his life working with climbing expeditions, he worked his way up from porter to sirdar (head Sherpa) and was finally recognised as a full member of climbing expeditions. He was thus extremely well qualified to accompany Hillary on their successful attempt.
This resource examines his life and achievements and aligns with Year 3 and 6 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Colonial Impact on the Environment
$15.00This resource examines the impact on the Australian environment during the colonial period, especially with respect to horses, sheep, cattle, as well as dogs and cats.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Colony of New South Wales
$12.00This resource provides an overview of the history of the colony of New South Wales, from the arrival of the First Fleet to Federation.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Colony of Queensland
$11.00This resource provides an overview of the history of the colony of Queensland, from the establishment of the convict settlement in 1824 to Federation.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Colony of South Australia
$10.00This resource provides an overview of the history of the colony of South Australia, from its carefully planned beginnings in the 1830s to Federation.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Colony of Tasmania (Van Dieman’s Land)
$10.00This resource examines the history of the colony of Tasmania.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Colony of Victoria
$14.00This resource provides an overview of the history of the colony of Victoria.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Colony of Western Australia (Swan River Colony)
$9.00This resource provides an overview of the history of the colony of Western Australia, from the early explorations by the Dutch to Federation.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Convict Settlement in New South Wales
$11.00This resource provides an overview on the convict period in New South Wales, from the reasons for the establishment of a colony, the arrival of the First Fleet, Second Fleet and Third Fleet, to the period of free settlement.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Establishment of the High Court of Australia
$4.00Part of our Federation series, this resource provides a brief overview of the background and early years of the High Court of Australia, as well as subsequent developments which led to the High Court being the final court of appeal in Australia, rather than the Privy Council in Britain. The roles of significant people, including Samuel Griffith and Edmund Barton, are mentioned. The establishment of the High Court was controversial and it took 10 years before it reached its current size of 7 justices. A short overview of the role of the High Court is also provided.
This resource aligns with the Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and HASS curricula for Year 6.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The History of Australian National Sport
$15.00This resource examines the growth of an Australian National Identity through sport, and relates that identity to the events surrounding Federation.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The Last Ice Age
$3.00Resource on the the Last Ice Age.
Showing 273–288 of 313 results
My 9 year old son fell in love with all the aspects of this program - the simple but still…
Cara, Parent