Showing 177–192 of 235 results
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Luis Vaz de Torres
$2.00This resource explores the life and achievements of Luis Vaz de Torres.
Aligned with Year 4 and 6 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Marco Polo
$2.00Marco Polo is famous for his 13th century travels to China, recorded by a novelist whom he met in prison. Part of the ‘Explorers’ series, this resource examines the life of Marco Polo, his travels in Asia and his contribution to the European understanding of Asia in the Middle Ages.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Martin Behaim
$2.00Martin Behaim was a German scientist, navigator and cartographer who accompanied the Portuguese expedition to West Africa, led by Diogo Cão. This resource describes Behaim's life and achievements.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Mary Reibey
$4.00The face of Mary Reibey is on our $20 note. She arrived in Australia as a teenage convict and worked her way up to being one of the most respected and wealthy women in the colony of New South Wales. Her story is told in this resource as an example of the conditions, and opportunities, for those who came as convicts to Australia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Massacres in Australian History
$8.00This resource explores the use of the word ‘massacre’ to describe conflict in 19th century Australia and examines a few incidents in some detail.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Matthew Flinders
$6.00This resource examines the life and achievements of Matthew Flinders and is designed to complement the Year 4 and 5 Australian History and Geography curricula.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Modern Families Around the World
$13.00This resource, aimed at younger students, gives sample families from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Somalia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Museum Labels
$2.00This resource guides the students to understand which information is supplied by labels in a museum and how this information helps people to interact with the objects displayed.
A set of museum labels is provided for students who wish to make their own museum in the classroom. The labels given can be copied for students to complete and use in class.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: My Ancestry
$5.00Humans have spent many thousands of years travelling around the world. No matter where we live, we all have connections to many parts of the world. This resource guides students through the process of starting to examine their own ancestry and heritage.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Names of Months and Days of the Week
$6.00Resource exploring the names of months and days of the week, their naming origins and related celebrations.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: National Australasian Convention 1891
$2.00This resource examines the National Australasian Convention of 1891, which laid much of the groundwork for Federation.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Native Title in Australia
$6.00This resource explains the history of the native title debate, what native title means and what the current situation in Australia is like.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Ney Elias
$2.00Ney Elias was an English surveyor who explored, and mapped in detail, parts of China and the Himalaya Mountains.
This resource explores his life and achievements and is aligned with Year 6 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Nicolau Coelho
$2.00Nicolau Coelho was a Portuguese explorer who accompanied Vasco De Gama, Pedro Álvares Cabral and Afonso de Albuquerque on their voyages of exploration. This resource examines his life and role in these expeditions.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Northern Australia and Indonesia – Macassan Traders in Australia
$5.00This resource examines the evidence for contacts between Indonesia and Australia through time, with a particular focus on the Macassan trade.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Pawel Strzelecki
$2.00Pawel Strzelecki explored the mountains of the Temperate regions of Australia in southern New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania in the 1840s. He named Mount Kosciuszko, the highest peak in Australia. Several areas have been named after him. This resource examines his explorations and the areas which he visited.
The resource aligns with Year 3 and 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Showing 177–192 of 235 results
My grade 4 son's review is below. I think he liked seeing the patterns it made. It was just a…