PDF Resources
Showing 193–208 of 313 results
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Lake Mungo Archaeology
$4.00Lake Mungo Archaeology, a chapter in our Archaeology Textbook (for Senior Secondary, Ancient History)
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Leap Years
$2.00Resource on Leap Years, what they are and their history.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Leif Erikson
$2.00The title of first European to reach North America belongs more correctly to the Viking Leif Erikson, than to Christopher Columbus. The son of Erik the Red who settled Greenland, Leif Erikson led several expeditions along the coast of Labrador and Newfoundland.
The Vikings even built houses and spent some winters in North America, as archaeology continues to reveal to us, supporting the stories from the ancient Scandinavian Sagas.
This resource examines the current knowledge for the life and achievements of this Viking explorer.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Life Cycles
$4.00Matched to both the Science and Geography curricula, this resource examines the concept of a Life Cycle.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Living in the Past
$26.00This resource uses a narrative device to examine family structures and daily life in the past , in order to help younger students connect with different ways of life. Case studies are presented from 7 time and space locations, describing the life of an imaginary approximately 8 year old child in each.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Looking After Our Places
$1.00This resource for the youngest students has images of how we care for our surroundings.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Louis de Bouganville
$2.00Famous as the man after whom the flowering vine, Bougainvillea, is named, this French explorer travelled around the world in the 18th century. This was one of France’s earliest exploration expeditions and also laid some of the foundations of the 20th century war in the Falkland Islands.
Bouganville’s expedition was a scientific one and included the botanist Jeanne Baret, the first woman to circumnavigate the world.
This resource examines Bouganville’s life and achievements.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón
$2.00Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón was the first Spaniard to attempt to settle on the continent of North America. He took 600 colonists (including 100 African slaves) to an area today in the US state of South Carolina. Unfortunately the attempted colony was dogged by illness and a lack of food. Ayllón himself died and the colony experienced North America’s first slave revolt. Very few survivors made it back to the Caribbean 3 months after they had left to found the colony.
This resource examines the life and contribution of Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón and his ill-fated attempt to settle in North America.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Ludwig Leichhardt
$2.00Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichhardt (known as Ludwig Leichhardt) was born in Prussia, which is today part of Germany. He wanted to explore inland Australia and led an expedition from Brisbane to Port Essingdon, near Darwin. A later expedition, from Brisbane to Perth, across the interior, led to the disappearance of him and his party.
This resource examines the life and expeditions of Leichhardt and aligns with Year 3 and 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Luis Vaz de Torres
$2.00This resource explores the life and achievements of Luis Vaz de Torres.
Aligned with Year 4 and 6 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Lunar and Solar Calendars
$2.00Resource on Lunar and Solar Calendars.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Marco Polo
$2.00Marco Polo is famous for his 13th century travels to China, recorded by a novelist whom he met in prison. Part of the ‘Explorers’ series, this resource examines the life of Marco Polo, his travels in Asia and his contribution to the European understanding of Asia in the Middle Ages.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Martin Behaim
$2.00Martin Behaim was a German scientist, navigator and cartographer who accompanied the Portuguese expedition to West Africa, led by Diogo Cão. This resource describes Behaim's life and achievements.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Mary Reibey
$4.00The face of Mary Reibey is on our $20 note. She arrived in Australia as a teenage convict and worked her way up to being one of the most respected and wealthy women in the colony of New South Wales. Her story is told in this resource as an example of the conditions, and opportunities, for those who came as convicts to Australia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Massacres in Australian History
$8.00This resource explores the use of the word ‘massacre’ to describe conflict in 19th century Australia and examines a few incidents in some detail.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Matthew Flinders
$6.00This resource examines the life and achievements of Matthew Flinders and is designed to complement the Year 4 and 5 Australian History and Geography curricula.
Showing 193–208 of 313 results
The kit was easy while still fun to build (except maybe for fitting the wires in). This was a fun…
Florence (15) and Keito (14), students at Hakusan International School