Showing 1–16 of 18 results
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Charles Sturt
$2.00Charles Sturt explored the interior of Australia in the 1820s and the 1840s. He was searching for evidence of a great inland sea, which was thought to be present in the centre of the continent. Sturt’s tribulations experienced during his travels adversely affected his health and he died in England, still hoping to return to Australia.
The resource aligns with Year 3 and 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Climate Zones of Australia
$2.00There are 5 climate zones across Australia: Arid, Tropical, Subtropical; Temperate and Mediterranean. The high mountains of the south-east also have an Alpine climate. This resource examines and maps these climate zones, comparing the different features of each.
Aimed to align with Australian Curriculum HASS and Geography for Year 3, this resource can also be used by other year levels.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Exploring Lake Mungo
$2.00 -
Free for Subscribers
Resource: First-hand Accounts of the First Fleet
$5.00A selection of quotes from first-hand accounts, such as journals and letters, of a range of people in the First Fleet, from Governor Phillip to marines and even convicts, provides Primary Source material to give a more personal view of the First Fleet.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: History of Australia
$13.00This resource provides a quick overview of Australian history, from the Aboriginal settlement of Australia during the Ice Age, to Federation.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: History of Australian Democracy
$8.00An understanding of systems of government and the franchise in Australia is best gained through examining the development of democracy since the colonial period. In this resource we examine democracy in Australia, from Aboriginal custom and law to the huge changes that occurred after Australia was colonised.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Ludwig Leichhardt
$2.00Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichhardt (known as Ludwig Leichhardt) was born in Prussia, which is today part of Germany. He wanted to explore inland Australia and led an expedition from Brisbane to Port Essingdon, near Darwin. A later expedition, from Brisbane to Perth, across the interior, led to the disappearance of him and his party.
This resource examines the life and expeditions of Leichhardt and aligns with Year 3 and 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Massacres in Australian History
$8.00This resource explores the use of the word ‘massacre’ to describe conflict in 19th century Australia and examines a few incidents in some detail.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Matthew Flinders
$6.00This resource examines the life and achievements of Matthew Flinders and is designed to complement the Year 4 and 5 Australian History and Geography curricula.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Pawel Strzelecki
$2.00Pawel Strzelecki explored the mountains of the Temperate regions of Australia in southern New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania in the 1840s. He named Mount Kosciuszko, the highest peak in Australia. Several areas have been named after him. This resource examines his explorations and the areas which he visited.
The resource aligns with Year 3 and 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Rabbits in Australia
$5.00This resource examines rabbits in the Australian environment.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Regions of Australia
$7.00A Geography resource covering the major biomes of the Australian continent. This resource (with maps) discusses the Simpson Desert, the Lake Byre Basin, the Great Dividing Range and the Nullarbor Plain, as well as the Murray and Darling Rivers.
Students are able to see the location of each biome, as well as learn about the biome, its climate, fauna and flora. This resource provides background for other resources dealing with the History and Geography of Australia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Settlers from Britain and Europe in Australia
$10.00This resource examines British and European settlers in Australia – examining the experiences of women, children, squatters, selectors and others.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Stolen Generations
$10.00‘Stolen Generations’ is a term used to describe the children who were removed from their families by government authorities in Australia. Most of these children were removed from Aboriginal families during the 19th and early 20th centuries. This resource examines the history of these removals with respect to missions, reserves and homes. The Apology of 2008 is also discussed.
This resource is designed to complement the Year 6 Australian History and Civics and Citizenship curricula.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: The History of Australian National Sport
$15.00This resource examines the growth of an Australian National Identity through sport, and relates that identity to the events surrounding Federation.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Willem Janszoon
$2.00Willem Janszoon was the first European (as Captain of the ship Duyfken) to set foot on the continent of Australia. An employee of the Dutch East India Company, he “put Australia on the map” in European terms.
This resource examines his life and his contribution to the history of European interactions in Australia.
Showing 1–16 of 18 results
The material is much more interesting. When I discussed a topic later in the term, I found that the students…
Laura Davidson, Teacher