Showing 65–80 of 235 results
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Aboriginal Suffrage
$5.00This resource traces the history of the voting rights of Aboriginal people in Australia, as well as the struggle for civil rights.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Afghan Cameleers in Australia
$5.00This resource, part of our ‘Migrants’ series, examines the history and contributions of ‘Afghan’ cameleers in Australia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Afonso de Albuquerque
$3.00This resource examines Afonso de Albuquerque’s life and the significance of his achievements in the history of South-East Asia. It aligns with Year 6 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Ahmad Ibn Fadlan
$2.00This resource acknowledges the contribution of a 10th century Arab traveller, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan, who travelled as an emissary of the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad to the ruler of the Bulgars, Almiș, in the Steppe region of modern Russia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Alexander the Great
$3.00Alexander the Great is a well-recognised historical figure, who is known for many achievements. In this resource a brief overview of his life introduces the idea that he is the first recorded European to explore Asia, and thus can be regarded as an explorer as well as a general.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca
$2.00This explorer resource examines the life and experiences of Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca in North America. It aligns with Year 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Amerigo Vespucci
$2.00Amerigo Vespucci is best known to us as the inspiration of the name for the continents of “America”.
He is less known as an explorer of South America in the early 16th century and as the first European to conclude that the ‘new lands’ of the Americas were a separate continent to Asia.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Andrew Irvine
$2.00Andrew Irvine accompanied George Mallory in their unsuccessful attempt to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1924. This resource examines Irvine’s short life, and death on the mountain, as an example of people struggling to conquer harsh climates.
This resource aligns with Year 3 and 6 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Animals in Different Climates
$9.00Designed to complement our other resources on climates (Climate Zones of Australia and Climate Zones of the World), this resource examines how different animals around the world are adapted for their particular climate.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Australia’s Secret Ballot
$3.00Australia made a huge contribution to democracy worldwide by developing a secret ballot system that ensured the privacy and security of all voters and their votes. This resource gives a historical overview of the development of this system in Australia, and its use internationally.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Australian Constitution
$4.00Part of our Federation series, this resource provides a brief overview of the Australian Constitution, how it was formulated and the role it played in Federation. The history of the constitution and significant amendments are covered. People who played a significant role in the development of the constitution, such as Samuel Griffith and Andrew Inglis Clark, are also mentioned.
The resource is aligned with the Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and HASS curricula for Year 6.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Australian Goldrushes
$5.00This resource examines the gold rushes of the 19th century in different states of Australia and considers how these impacted on society in general, as well as the demography and economics of the continent.
The resource aligns with Australian Curriculum History, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business and HASS for years 5 and 6.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Barcaldine Shearers’ Strike
$3.00The Shearers’ Strike of 1891 in Queensland, and the associated march in Barcaldine in May of that year, became important historical events.
The resource is aimed at students in Year 5, but can also be used for students in other year levels looking at Queensland history, Australian democracy or aspects of the Australian Curriculum for History, Civics and Citizenship and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Bartolomeu Dias
$2.00This resource examines the contribution of the Portuguese explorer, Bartolomeu Dias, who was the first European to sail around the Southern end of the African continent in 1488.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Bjarni Herjólfsson
$2.00The story of how Bjarni Herjólfsson came to find North America is told in this resource.
Aligned with the Year 5 Australian Curriculum History, Geography and HASS.
Free for Subscribers
Resource: Black Friday Bushfires in Victoria
$3.00The “Black Friday” bushfires of 1939 became notorious because of their devastating effect on large parts of the state. The fires led directly to an Act of Parliament in Victoria to establish a fire management schedule, using controlled burning to lessen the risk of bushfires. A similar schedule is still used today. This resource, part of our “Natural Disasters in Australia” series, examines the causes and effects of these terrible fires. Quotes from survivors are also given, as a primary source.
Showing 65–80 of 235 results
Since implementing this program I've really noticed how the students are improving.
Trent Perry, Teacher