Oh no! Aunt Madge has gone off on her holiday around the world and left one of her suitcases behind!
She has sent a note to you to please bring her the suitcase, she has also sent a ticket so that you can fly after her to take her the suitcase.
School students need to help Aunt Madge by taking her suitcase to her. She has left a clue to where she is.
This Activity Resource consists of 3 PDFs with instructions, colour photos of locations around the world, a custom map for each location, and detailed descriptions.
Suitable for all school age year levels. We recommend using a globe in the classroom in addition to the OpenSTEM blackline world map so children get used to different projections. For home use, you can also use an atlas or other wall map, of course.
Also used in OpenSTEM’s Integrated History & Geography Program, this is a practical and fun activity to get kids relating to geography and learning about the world. There’s unlimited scope for building on, with (for instance) the child’s own friends and family members travelling or living overseas.
The Aunt Madge’s Suitcase Activity resource is available FREE for OpenSTEM Subscribers ($25 for non-subscribers). You can also download samples of some of our resources, to see and assess the quality of OpenSTEM materials for yourself before subscribing.
Our class created ginger beer with the help of the ginger beer kit. The children were really engaged with the…
Indi Alford, Teacher