This week students are starting to round off their main body of assessable work for the term. Older students are completing and starting to present their presentations, while younger students have posters and models to finish off.
Foundation/Prep/Kindy to Year 3
Students in our stand-alone Foundation/Prep/Kindy unit (F.2) are continuing to explore with their senses this week. While still working on their model or collage for their Favourite Place, they are using their sense of Smell to consider which aromas they like or dislike. Teachers (and students) can bring in a range of things with different smells to explore in class. Ideas for these are given in the Teacher’s Handbook. An important part of this investigation is considering how one can represent one’s favourite smells in the model or collage – students might try to draw the objects associated with the smells, or see if they can find creative alternatives to represent this sense.
Students in integrated Foundation/Prep/Kindy and Year 1 classes (Unit F.6) and those in Years 1 (Unit 1.2), 2 (Unit 2.2) and 3 (Unit 3.2) are completing their posters to be displayed next week. These posters cover topics of local significance – either local history information, or dealing with issues, such as littering or the need for play equipment. As the students work on the posters, teachers are holding discussions with them on responsibility for different issues. The delegation of responsibility to members of the community, local government, other authorities, people who use the facilities, the school P&C, the students etc. should be discussed in class, so that students start to understand how people have different responsibilities in different situations. The teacher can also revisit issues of responsibility in the classroom – what are the students responsible for? What is the teacher responsible for? What is the school responsible for? These discussions are an important means of allowing the students to interact and practise group discussion skills, as well as helping them to think about responsibilities.
Years 3 to 6
Students in Year 3 (Unit 3.6) are completing their presentation on an extreme climate explorer and may start presenting it to the class this week. Year 4 students (Unit 4.2) are presenting on their explorer of Africa and South America. Year 5 students (Unit 5.2) are presenting on their chosen explorer from North America; and Year 6 students (Unit 6.2) are presenting on their chosen explorer from Asia. The remaining 3 weeks of this unit are allocated to the presentations, to ensure enough time for these to be given in full. The presentations should cover all the aspects raised over previous weeks and answered in the Student Workbook – the environments and geography of the areas explored; sustainability issues, such as extinction of animals and changes in local environments; characteristics of the countries involved in the explorations; reasons for explorations and how these created the background which led to the settlement of Australia and the role of indigenous people, as well as impact on indigenous people and their environments. The presentation is thus a comprehensive body of work.
The units have allowed students to engage in exciting content and learn new information and utilise thinking skills for various…
Trent Perry, Teacher